This is just a quick little post. Last night I went out with some friends from uni. It was a brilliant laugh and had a great time. The only downside was that the end of the night was tainted by an experience that has lingered on longer than I would have thought.
Due to massive miscommunication and mistaken identity, a friend of a friend who I do not know very well, ended up in tears sitting next to me wondering why boys only want one thing. (This was after i saw that she had been picked up and taken into a back room by a guy who she had mentioned she didn’t like very much, and i followed them in and got her out of what could have been an innocent or potentially quite bad situation) She was very drunk and crying and sobbing about how she is sick of guys only wanting one thing from her. She is tall, slim, quite pretty and did I mention very drunk. As all of her other friends had left I consoled her, gave her a hug and said things will be OK. I even offered her a lift home.
In the following 30 minutes she kissed 2 other guys, asked a group of mates (also guys) whether or not she should go home with the last snog, and forgot about the lift I had offered.
It was at this point that the word slut came to mind. And it is also because of this event that has made me realise how much I don’t like that word. Now for those that know me, one of my favourite words is the controversial C word. I think I like it because it straight and to the point, and mightily offensive when used correctly.
Slut – when said in jest is hilarious, when said with venom… I’m really not a fan. The word has negative connotations about women who sleep with lots of guys. But why shouldn’t they. I am strongly of the belief if you like sex, enjoy the chase or even if its just a bit of fun, then sleep with as many people you want to. Why not? The wonderful thing with the age we live in is that we are able to make our own choices and have the freedom of who we want to be and who we want to be with.
The main reason I am having this massive vent is because I stuck up for a girl who is a hypocrite and who has some serious personal confidence issues. What made me the most angry was that I believed her when she said that she was sick of the attention and defended her against a guy twice my height. Well the first word that came to mind was slut… And I decided that was not the reason I was angry. I was angry because she was a hypocrite. If she doesn’t like guys hitting on her, then perhaps she needs to tell them where to go instead of sucking face with them, running away and wondering why they keep trying to get with her.
So thank you for listening dear reader. It turns out that this girl isn’t a slut, she is something much worse. She is a fool. An insecure human being throwing herself at any form of attention she can get. Tears for girls and kisses (and probably more) for boys.